Mistakes to Avoid When You Paddle with Your Dog






Whether you are getting on board with the dog or pack of pups, you know that it is going to be exciting to SUP with your buddies. You could take your puppy for a quick SUP paddle board tours. It is a great way to spend valuable time with your furry friend while exercising your body.

There are, however, some mistakes you need to avoid when you paddle with your pups.

The life vest

Forgetting the life vest is a fatal mistake. Although your pup can swim, the environment in Kauai water can be unforgiving. Not to mention that there’s a risk that your dog will lose his energy when swimming. A life vest will help him a lot in floating and swimming. Securing their safety with the correct life vest is the key to maximum security and fun.

Forcing your dog to learn

A dog can have different learning curves. It will depend on specific factors like the breed type, the size of the dog, the characteristics, and so on. Similar to toddlers, it is a baby step in the beginning. Your dog won’t naturally get familiar with the board the second you introduce the SUP to him. Make sure that your dog adapts with the SUP board first. Introduce the SUP, and take your time. Sometimes, treats can help if you want to make your dog more excited. Don’t put your dog on the board before you get on. Your dog needs to make sure that the board is safe, secure, and friendly for him. That way, your dog will be voluntarily getting on the board, with no pressure.

The leash attachment

You don’t want to leash yourself to your dog when paddling. No matter what the reason, don’t attach the dog leash to yourself. If your dog decides to jump or fall, you can fall as well. Drowning together is the last thing you want to experience. If the dog is too big, you may end up hurting them. Just put the leash on the board in the front of you to give you easy access to save your dog when he falls.

The shore

It is a mistake to stay closer to the coast. The terrain underneath is unpredictable. This makes you guess whether it is safe or not to get on the board in such condition. You will never know what is under you. If you or your pup falls off on the sharp things, the paddle board tours can get worse. The best thing to do is to stay in the middle of the body of the water.