Tricks to Fall Correctly


You may have heard about “falling off” from folks when you visit your favorite paddle boarding rentals. Many consider that falling is a big mistake and it should end their career. Actually, falling off is inevitable. We have to agree that falling is the big part of the successful process. After all, where is the fun of SUP?

The thing that you want to avoid is getting injured when falling off. Here are the tips to outsmart it.


One of the most common injuries is because the paddlers bumped with their board. When you fall off, the best way to react is to distance yourself from the board. This will also keep you out from the arm’s reach of your board. Don’t worry about keeping the distance. After all, you have the leash to keep you connected to the board.

Don’t fall too deep

It is another mistake often conducted. Some folks tend to fall deeper. That means they need to dive up and squeeze their energy. Make sure when you fall off, your butt is leading, not your head. When you fall with head leading, you’ll never know underneath the water.

Don’t splash the paddle

To avoid injuries, you will want to slice your paddle through the water rather than splash it. Make sure the blade or the handle will fall first. You will want your paddle comes with you without hassle and fuss.

The right way to resurface

Resurfacing is the pivotal thing when you restart your posture on the board. The best way to resurface is leading it with your hand. Coming up to the surface after falling can be a daunting experience. But no matter how anxious you are, make sure your hand leads your resurfacing, not your head. This will allow you to steer clear your way up and prevent your head from getting injured.


Your next challenge is when you get back to your board. You will want to climb onto your board in any way you can. The great benchmark to do it is by focusing on the handle of your board. When you pull yourself up, you can put your paddle up on the board first. Then, the next thing you do is just to push yourself up to the standing position again.

Not all the tips above may be prevalent in your situation. However, you can improve your chance to have such safe landing and resurfacing. Discuss these tips with your friends in paddle boarding rentals. Share this tips if you think that these are useful.