How to Work With SUP Paddle Properly

If you are new to paddleboarding in hawaii, then there’ll be the first challenging time that you will spent for a while. There is no need to paddle everyday to get excel in SUPport, but you may experience to wrongly paddle the board. Sometimes, we often overlook the angle of the blade direction so that it hinders the movement of the SUP.


You may not see it as a mistake but you will have quite arguments when you talk with the instructors. If you have not yet hold your paddle correctly, you are not alone. In fact, there are many people who have the same problem with you. Learning how to work with SUP paddle properly does not merely indicate that you are total beginner, but that means you will be able to go faster and more stable.


Here are some tips to consider.

Get the Right Posture

Most of the beginners are a little bit groggy. You will need to find the right posture to make you feel comfortable and confident when paddling. Stand straight but don’t get too stiff. Stance with your legs open as wide as the shoulder width. Slightly bend your knees to preserve the balance. Be careful not to bend over your lower back or shoulder. It is okay to bend your neck a little but maintain your balance. Discuss the posture with your friends or instructor until you get it right.

Positions of Your Hand


When paddleboarding in hawaii, the positions of your hand also affects the success of paddling. It is actually simple to position your hand. One hand needs to have a good grip on top of the paddle. Meanwhile, the other hand will need to have a good grip on the shaft. The rule is simple. You will switch your grips when you switch the paddling sides.


The Length of the Paddle


To get the paddleboarding in hawaii works, you need to choose the right paddle in term of length. If your paddle is not long enough or too long for you, you may consider to swap your paddles with your friends’ or family members’. But the best way to do this is to purchase the adjustable paddle so that everyone can use it.


In order to make your way paddleboarding in hawaii, you need to have a good paddle. Need the right paddle? Check out our website or contact our customer service for questions or inquiry.

